Are Born Again Christians Now the Righteousness of
What are the signs of being born again? How can you know if you're saved? These are the question you may be struggling with in your mind as you have come to this post.
This article discusses biblical salvation and some of the 11 common signs of being born again. If you're wondering if you're born again, then you're not alone.
This is a common question for Christians. I'll share 11 signs that you're truly born again that will help you know if you are truly born again or just a mere hypocrite who just goes to church on Sunday for formality.
What It Means To Be Born Again?
Being born again simply means experiencing a new birth in Christ by being born of water and the Spirit as Jesus Christ told Nicodemus the Pharisee in John3:3. The Holy Spirit is what causes the new birth in the life of a Christian
It means that you are now spiritually alive in Christ as we are all born spiritually dead due to the sinful nature we all inherited from our first parents Adam and Eve who first fell from grace by eating the forbidden fruit.
But when you become born again, you inherit a new Christ nature that will now make you want to follow righteousness instead of sin.
You also receive eternal life by faith through Christ Jesus which is made possible through His death and resurrection as written in God's word in the Bible.
When you become truly born again, you no longer live after the flesh but after the Spirit as you are now Controlled by God's Spirit that leads you into all truth and righteousness.
Must Read: 11 Signs Of A False Convert (Every Christian Must Know.)
11 Signs That You Are Born Again.
Here are the 11 signs that you are born again that will indicate that you are truly saved and on your way to heaven.
- You Stop Living In Sin.
- Hate sin.
- Change of heart.
- Have a new mind.
- Have a new character.
- New love for Christ.
- New life·
- A new spirit.
- Have a new nature.
- New love for righteousness.
- Meekness.
1. You Stop Living In Sin.
One of the first signs of being born again that will manifest after giving your life to Jesus Christ is that you will stop living in sin since you are now under God's grace that teaches you to deny all forms of ungodliness and worldly lusts (Titus 2:11).
In short, you will now forsake your old sinful lifestyle and start following after righteousness (2 Timothy 2:19.)
You can't say that you are really saved for you are still living in sin and still enjoying your sinful lifestyle. Otherwise, you are merely deceiving yourself.
Sin will no longer look attractive to you anymore because of the new nature you acquire and being born again in the water and the spirit.
The sinful lifestyle you once loved when you were not born again will now be distasteful to you. Why? Well, because you now want to follow after holiness due to the new nature in you.
2. Hate Sin.
Hating sin is also among the vital signs that will show you that you are born again. Sadly, most so-called Christians claim to be born again but still love their sin.
Such Christians are fake and don't have the new birth experience in Christ yet that enables one to hate sin and love righteousness.
Natural man's inclination has always been to love sin due to the fallen nature we inherited when our first parents sin. That is why natural man hates holiness but loves evil.
But if you become a child of God through Jesus Christ's atonement for your sin through His precious blood by accepting Him into your life, the love of sin is replaced with the love for holiness.
If you say you are a born-again Christian but still find yourself loving sin, your salvation is questionable at best and you need to rededicate your life to Christ and ask to transform your life into His image so that sin is no longer appealing to you.
3. Change Of Heart.
Having a change of heart is among the signs of being born again that materializes after giving your life to Jesus and choosing to follow after His righteousness.
In Ezekiel 36:26, the Lord promises that when we yield our lives to Him, he will give us a new heart of flesh and take away a stony heart that makes natural man rebel against God.
The new heart God gives us causes us to start loving Him and makes us now start obeying His commandment with ease.
Without this change of heart, forget about being born again and on your way to heaven as it's the change of heart that leads to a change in character and our dispositions.
It's this new heart the Lord Jesus Christ gives us at salvation that now makes us start loving righteousness and hating sin because Jesus hates sin but loves righteousness.
4. Have A New Mind.
In Romans 12:2, we are told that we must not conform through this wicked world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ.
This implies that when you became truly born again, your mind and way of thinking will be completely transformed to conform to that of Christ, your Master (1 Corinthians2:16).
So if you were strolling with evil sinful thoughts of any kind, those sinful thoughts will no longer be welcome or have room in your mind.
As such evil sinful thoughts of your old sinful mind will now be replaced with new thoughts of purity, holiness, and righteousness that you will now start meditating daily.
Since you have a new mind fixed on Christ and heavenly things, you will now no longer be conformed to the evil systems of this world as you know that you aren't of this world.
5. Have A New Character.
Having a new Christ-like character is one of the signs of being born again that will manifest when Christ comes into your life and becomes the captain of your life.
As 2 Corinthians 5:17 wonderfully puts it that if anyone is in Christ or accepts Christ in his or her life becomes a new creature and old things will now pass away.
What this means is that since you are now a new creature in Christ, Jesus, your character will also change and be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
A new godly character will now become your identity reflecting the new life you now have in Christ and that old sinful character we are all born with will be now gone.
It's this new godly Christ-like character you have now inherited in Christ that will now make you bear good fruits that characterizes a truly born again Christian on their way to heaven.
6. Love For Christ.
Now that you have a new character of Christ, you will now easily love Christ that will be proven by your godly Christian lifestyle that is separate from the world and by following his commandments.
As Jesus wonderfully puts it in John 14:15 that if you truly love Him, you will obey and keep His commandments, all of them and not just some of them.
You can't say you love Jesus, yet you fail to obey and keep His commandments to stop living a sinful lifestyle and to follow after Him and His righteousness instead.
If you say you love Christ but live in disobedience, then you don't truly love Him at all as you just profess to love Him with your mouth but deny Him with your works (Titus 1:16).
It's not enough to say you, Jesus Christ when your heart is far away from him. You must also prove it with your actions and the way you live which will be the case if you are genuinely saved.
7. New Life.
Having a new life in Christ is one of the most important characteristics of being born. What essentially happens when you become born again is that an inner regeneration will happen inside you.
It's this inward renewal by the Spirit of Christ that will cause you to have a new life after experiencing a new spiritual rebirth at salvation.
And this new life is what will make you follow after righteousness since you are now born of God as a person born of God doesn't live a sinful lifestyle (1 John 3:9).
This means that you will live your past sinful lifestyle behind and embrace a new life of holiness and righteousness that brings glory to God and that will ultimately enable you to make it for heaven when you leave this world.
You need to be truly born again to experience a new life and new birth in Christ. If you are not truly saved, this new life won't be possible for you to live.
8. A New Spirit.
This is yet another sign that you are born again that will manifest if you become saved because the Lord promised in Ezekiel 36:26 that He will give us a new Spirit.
And this new Spirit that God will give through Jesus Christ is a spirit of meekness and obedience to His word. No longer will a spirit of disobedience reign in you.
You see my dear reader if you are not truly born again yet, Paul in Ephesians 2:2 a spirit of disobedience is what operates in you found in all children of disobedience.
It's this spirit of disobedience found in all sinners that makes us proud, rebellious, and arrogant by disobeying God's commandments.
But if you become truly saved by truly accepting Christ in your heart, this disobedient spirit from Satan is replaced with a Spirit of obedience that will now make you live in obedience to God's word.
9. Have A New Nature.
In short, the old nature that makes you love sin will be completely replaced with a new Christ-like nature that will make you love holiness and hate sin.
We are all born with a natural sin nature which is why we are more prone to commit sinful acts. It's this sinful nature present in every person born of a woman that makes us do all sorts of bad things we get ashamed of at times.
But at salvation, a new spiritual rebirth happens that makes you have a new nature and it's this new nature that will now make you want to follow after righteousness instead of sin.
Since you are now born again and born of God now, you will now have this new natural inclination for holiness and righteousness only that wasn't preset when you were a sinner living in sin.
Implying, living a holy life becomes much easier due to the presence of God's diving grace through Christ in your and sinning becomes harder and distasteful to you.
10. New Love For Righteousness.
Your new life and new birth you have received through Jesus Christ will now give birth to a new love for everything pertaining to righteousness.
Since God is holy and righteous and that you are now born of Him, you will also become holy through Christ's imputed righteousness in you as He's holy.
Loving sin will be now the thing of the past because you will now be in tune with God's nature and you will no longer want to hurt Him by living in sin as sin is a thorn in the flesh to God and offensive to Him.
As such, sin will also become offensive to you and you will want nothing to do with your past sins but will desire only to follow after righteousness all the days of your life.
If you still love your sin and go to church, it simply means you are not truly saved yet because if you are truly saved, you will love what God loves (righteousness) and hate What he hates (sin).
Must Read: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of A Born Again Christian.
11. Meekness.
Having a meek and quiet spirit is one of the fruits of being born again that is present in every born-again Christian on their way to heaven as Christ Himself is meek and not proud.
It's this spirit of lowliness of heart that will make you humble and gentle towards others and yourself, too. You will no longer be puffed up with a spirit of pride and arrogance.
And meekness is one of the most important 9 fruits of the Spirit every genuinely saved person inherits when they receive genuine salvation by fully accepting Christ in their heart.
Since you have this sweet meek spirit from above, you will no longer be a contentious and quarrelsome person who always wants to quarrel and strive with other people over useless things.
If you find yourself constantly quarreling with people for no reason, you need to crucially examine your life if you are still standing in the Lord.
Final Thoughts.
These are all the 11 signs of being born again I had to share with you in this post to help you know if you are truly saved and have everlasting life.
If you aren't exhibiting the above fruits of being born again, it means your salvation is questionable, and still need that new birth experience by accepting Christ in your heart for the forgiveness of your sins.
In closing, if this post helped you greatly, kindly share it with others so that they can benefit, too just as you have. Stay blessed.
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